Light, Inc. Apps

LIGHT for cancer: Meditation, sleep, relaxation 1.44
Light, Inc.
Meditations created especially for cancer warriors, by worldexperts in mindfulness meditation, psychotherapy and spiritualhealing. Perfectly suitable for all levels, including beginners toguided imagery meditations. Practice a daily healing meditation tosupport you through: -Recovering from surgery -Going through chemotherapy mindfully -Managing pain -Dealing with anxiety and stress-Releasing anger and welcoming forgiveness -Overcoming your fears-Regaining you sexuality -Elevating your mood -and other physicaland emotional challenges that accompany a cancer diagnosis. Trackyour progress with our statistics that measure your mindful days,minutes and your current streak meditating. Share you stats with acancer-fighting friend and inspire them to add mindfulness to theirhealing journey as well. Awaken the limitless power of your mind tocomplement your cancer healing journey. Visualize healing powergoing through your body and create positive images for a healthyfuture you. Discover your healing light through meditation and helpyour body relax, recover, and replenish energy. Build a healthyhabit by meditating daily and strengthen your immune system.Contact us if you have any questions or need support:[email protected]